I am a graduate of the Universidad Tecnológica de México and I have taken multiple courses in Mexico and abroad, specialized in Prosthesis, Dental Esthetics, Mouth Rehabilitation and Implants.
I belong to the Asociación Dental Mexicana ADM , Asociación Dental del Distrito Federal ADDF , Asociación de Prostodoncia, International Dental Federation FDI, American Prosthodontic Society, American Dental Association, American Academy of Implant Dentistry, International Team for Implantology. Consejo Mexicano de Odotología ADM.
I have received Honorific mention in my Professional examination. National and International lecturer. Founding associate of DENTAL CLINICAL OR S.C. Place where I work in private practice in the area of Dental Esthetics and Smile Design, Prosthesis, Minimum Invasive Odontology, Mouth Rehabilitation and Implants.